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School’s out for Graduate Scholar Shania Tamagyongfal

Shania worked with Dr. Joseph Genz on the project “Using oral histories of Marshallese and Yapese voyaging to support the development of community engagement for sustainable sea transport.” She graduated this past spring from the UH Hilo. We caught up with Shania for a little talk story.

Watch new episode of “Voice of the Sea”

This episode explores the Pacific Biosciences Research Center (PBRC) at UH Mānoa and visits the Kewalo Marine Lab, the Isabella Aiona Abbott Life Sciences Building, the Békésy Laboratory of Neurobiology, the Biomedical Sciences Building, and the Selenium Research Laboratory.

NCASC offering funding opportunity to a CESU partner

The National Climate Adaptation Science Center is offering a funding opportunity to a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit partner for research to support the project entitled “Social Network Analysis of the Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Community Active in Climate Adaptation and Conservation.” Apply by August 9.