NCASC offering funding opportunity to a CESU partner
The US Geological Survey’s National Climate Adaptation Science Center (NCASC) is offering a funding opportunity to a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) partner for research to support the project entitled “Social Network Analysis of the Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Community Active in Climate Adaptation and Conservation.”
The funding opportunity is being offered to develop and test a methodology for conducting social network analyses nationally and at each regional Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) in order to identify organizations engaging in environmental justice and climate justice work that might overlap with CASC efforts. The recipient will develop the methodology for a social network analysis to identify, map and measure relationship patterns. The recipient will then apply the methodology in a national analysis for NCASC and a minimum of two Regional CASC analyses. A better understanding of potential partners working on environmental and climate justice issues will support resource managers, restoration professionals, and land stewards in expanding their efforts to take environmental justice into account in their work. In particular, the social network analysis will identify key partners, the interrelationships, existing collaborative networks, and the overlap with resource management objectives. The desired recipient will have experience with designing and conducting social network analyses, utilizing sound methodological practices, and an understanding of both the CASCs and environmental justice principles. This project will enhance the ability of resource managers and land stewards to work more closely with a wider array of partners in support of the goals.
Apply by August 9. For more information and to apply, visit