PI-CASC engages and communicates with researchers, modelers, resource managers, students, community members, and policy makers through a variety of outreach activities: in person, print, and online; through symposia, science summits, webinars, conference forums, workshops; publications, newsletters, reports, short articles, and online videos. A key part of the PI-CASC collaboration is maintaining existing partnerships and building new ones, and active outreach plays a large role in this goal.


Pacific RISCC July 2024 Webinar - Invasive Species Threaten the Success of Climate Change Adaptation Efforts
- Virtual

Pacific RISCC July 2024 Webinar – Invasive Species Threaten the Success of Climate Change Adaptation Efforts

In this talk, Leigh Greenwood and Dr. Laura Brewington will discuss a new white paper for the U.S. federal government that offers a blueprint for transforming how invasive species are considered within U.S. climate change planning and processes. ...
Pacific RISCC June Webinar - When should we move species outside their range as islands change?
- Virtual

Pacific RISCC June Webinar – When should we move species outside their range as islands change?

In this talk, Dr. Jeff Burgett will discuss a new decision support framework for conservation introductions, the process used to develop it, and how we can ensure decisions to move species are inclusive, transparent, and defensible. ...


Our monthly Pacific Pandanus email newsletter brings the reader news about our center and regional partners, a heads-up for upcoming events and presentations, and notification of publications on PI-CASC-related research.