“Slice of PI-CASC”
Seminar Series

Climate Adaptation
Challenges and Solutions

PI-CASC logo with a slice being removed

First Tuesday of the month, September to May
12:00 – 1:00 pm Hawaiʻi time

The “Slice of PI-CASC” seminar series seeks to provide a platform for sharing ongoing and state-of-the-art climate adaptation science for a wide audience, including scientists and natural and cultural resource managers, to learn about climate adaptation research and science-to-management applications in Hawaiʻi, the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands, and beyond.


The series will feature a variety of speakers including: university and federal researchers funded by PI-CASC and our partners; leading climate scientists and experts from the Pacific Region and elsewhere; and resource managers and practitioners at the cutting edge of applying science and traditional ecological knowledge in tackling climate adaptation and sustainability challenges for ecosystems and communities. For more details, visit the Event page for each seminar, linked in the table below and made live the month before the presentation.

2023-2024 Season

Sept 5 Prioritizing Coastal Wetland Restoration on Molokaʻi, HI Dr. Judith Drexler, California Water Science Center, USGS
Helen Raine, Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture
details and recording
Oct 3 The shrinking presence of giant clams: Transpacific partnerships to restore an ocean giant Paolo Marra-Biggs, Marine Biology, UH Mānoa
Dr. Rob Toonen, Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology, UH Mānoa
details and recording
Nov 7 A practitioner-led approach to a climate change needs assessment of Native Hawaiian aquaculture Dr. Rosie Alegado, Dept of Oceanography, Ulana ʻIke Center of Excellence, UH Mānoa details and recording
Dec 5 Using oral histories of Marshallese and Yapese voyaging to develop sustainable sea transport Dr. Joseph Genz, Dept of Anthropology, UH Hilo;
Jerolynn Myazoe, Dept of Anthropology, UH Hilo;
Shania Tamagyongfal, Dept of Anthropology, UH Hilo
details and recording
Jan 9 The Hawai‘i Climate Data Portal: From soup to nuts Dr. Ryan Longman, East-West Center details and recording
Feb 6 Climate-resilient restoration: Concepts and applications to the Pacific Dr. Rebecca Ostertag, Dept of Biology, UH Hilo details and recording
Mar 5 Backyard Buoys: Community-led ocean observing across the Pacific Melissa Iwamoto, Director and PI, PacIOOS;
Dr. Jordan Watson, Deputy Director, PacIOOS;
Meagan Hattori, Engagement Coordinator, PacIOOS
details and recording
Apr 2 Characterizing inundation risk and enhancing stakeholder capacity for coastal inundation assessment in the Marshall Islands Dr. Dean Gesch, Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, USGS details and recording
May 7 Using climate adaptation science in Hawaiʻi resource management Emma Yuen, Divison of Forestry and Wildlife, DLNR;
Ryan Okano, Division of Aquatic Resources, DLNR
details and recording

Viewing details

Seminars will be presented in a hybrid format, both online and in-person at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, in the Hawaiʻi Institute of Geophysics (HIG) building, Room 210 (map). Lunch (and pie!) will be provided for the first ~25 participants who come in person. For zoom connection information to join online, please follow the unique link to register for each weekly seminar.


Presentation recordings for the current season will be made available on each seminar’s Event page (see table above) a few days after the seminar. For recordings of seminars from the last two seasons, please visit the Slice of PI-CASC playlist at our PI-CASC Youtube Channel.