Coastal hazards and adaptation

Graphic showing where sewers versus on-site disposal systems are located

Assessing the vulnerability of coastal wastewater infrastructure to climate change

PI: Daniele Spirandelli, Asst. Professor of Coastal Policy & Community Development, UH Mānoa
Graduate Scholar: Theresa Dean, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, UH Mānoa
Collaborators: Roger Babcock, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UH Mānoa; Suwan Shen, Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2016

Scenic lush coastline

Projecting the frequency and impact of future coastal fooding and inundation events in the Pacific Islands

PI: Philip Thompson, Assoc. Director of UH Sea Level center, UH Mānoa
Co-Is: Matthew J. Widlansky, International Pacific Research Center, UH Mānoa; Janet M. Becker, Professor of Geology, UH Mānoa; Mark A. Merrifield, Professor of Oceanography, UH Mānoa; John J. Marra, Regional Climate Services Director, NOAA
Funded: FY2015