These maps address how climate change may shift plant distributions, particularly native endangered plants, within the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park to help inform management of Special Ecological Areas.
Climate prediction / testing
With changing climate possibly shifting the location and scale of suitable habitat for native Hawaiian plants, managers need concrete information, like these maps, on where likely best future habitats will exist to inform conservation decision making.
Short term sea level predictions are important to near-term planning for communities throughout the Pacific. This tool provides forecasts of monthly sea-level anomalies out to six months.
PI: Tom Giambelluca, Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa
Graduate Scholar: Yusuke Hatanaka, Department of Computer and Data Science, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2020
PI: Rick Lader, Research Associate, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Co-Is: Abby Frazier, Assistant Professor of Geography, Clark University;
Thomas Giambelluca, Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2020
PI: Ryan Perroy, Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, UH Hilo
Graduate Scholar: Aloha Kapono, Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Program, UH Hilo
Funded: FY2020
PI: Curt Storlazzi, Research Geologist, USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Co-I: Karen Thorne, Research Ecologist, USGS Western Ecological Research Center
Funded: FY2020
PI: Phil Thompson, Associate Director of UH Sea Level center, UH Mānoa
Graduate Scholar: Carla Baizeau, Department of Oceanography, UH Mānoa
Co-Is: Kelley Anderson Tagarino, Extension Specialist, American Samoa Community College; Justin E. Stopa, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa; Curt Storlazzi, Research Geologist, USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funded: FY2020
PI: Curt Daehler, Professor of Botany, UH Mānoa
Co-Is: Lucas Fortini, Research Ecologist, USGS Pacific Islands Ecosystem Research Center; Clay Trauernicht Associate Fire Specialist, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2019
PI: Curt Storlazzi , Research Geologist, USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funded: FY2019