HERA: Impact of Sea Level Rise and Storms on Coastal Flooding Hazards
The USGS HERA-Impact of Sea Level Rise and Storms on Coastal Flooding Hazards tool provides important scientific information for decisionmakers throughout the Pacific to plan for future coastal flooding events.
Machine learning for high-resolution downscaling in the Hawaiian Islands
PI: Peter Sadowski, Associate Professor of Computer Science, UH Mānoa
Co-I: Thomas Giambelluca, Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa; Yusuke Hatanaka Dept of Information and Computer Science, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2024
Co-I: Thomas Giambelluca, Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa; Yusuke Hatanaka Dept of Information and Computer Science, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2024
Refining precipitation model projections for the Hawaiian Islands using generative machine learning
PI: Peter Sadowski, Associate Professor of Computer Science, UH Mānoa
Co-I: Thomas Giambelluca, Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2024
Co-I: Thomas Giambelluca, Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2024
Impacts of climate change on water quality and fish recruitment in Native Hawaiian fishponds
PI: Cherie Kauahi, Aquaculture Specialist, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant
Co-Is: Kamala Anthony, Hui Hoʻoleimaluō; Bradley Fox, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant; Darren Okimoto, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant; Anne Rosa, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant
Funded: FY2023
Co-Is: Kamala Anthony, Hui Hoʻoleimaluō; Bradley Fox, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant; Darren Okimoto, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant; Anne Rosa, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant
Funded: FY2023
Enhancing social-ecological resilience through restoration of coastal agroforestry systems
PI: Leah Bremer, Assistant Specialist and Conservation Scientist, UH Mānoa
Co-PI: Tressa Hoppe, Botany Department, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2022
Co-PI: Tressa Hoppe, Botany Department, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2022
2022 SURF Projects
Five students completed projects in climate adaptation science for the 2022 SURF program, investigating fire-prone invasive grasses, spillover effects of Marine Protected Areas, shifts in estuarine fish biodiversity, optimal regeneration conditions for koa, and effects of marine warming on different phytoplankton strains.
Shifts in carbon exports from a Hawaiian watershed under a changing climate
PI: Tracy Wiegner, Associate Professor of Marine Science, UH Hilo
Co-PIs: Walter Boger, TCBES, UH Hilo; Steven Colbert, Assistant Professor of Marine Science, UH Hilo
Funded: FY2022
Co-PIs: Walter Boger, TCBES, UH Hilo; Steven Colbert, Assistant Professor of Marine Science, UH Hilo
Funded: FY2022
Predicting sea level rise impacts to coastal wastewater infrastructure and water quality
PI: Tracy Wiegner, Professor of Marine Sciences, UH Hilo
Co-PI: Ihilani Kamau, TCBES, UH Hilo
Co-Is: Steven Colbert, Associate Professor of Marine Sciences, UH Hilo; Ryan Perroy, Professor of Geography, UH Hilo
Funded: FY2022
Co-PI: Ihilani Kamau, TCBES, UH Hilo
Co-Is: Steven Colbert, Associate Professor of Marine Sciences, UH Hilo; Ryan Perroy, Professor of Geography, UH Hilo
Funded: FY2022
2021 SURF Projects
Six students completed projects in climate adaptation science for the 2021 SURF program, investigating stream flow quality and variability, coastal erosion, fish thermal tolerance, fishpond phytoplankton distribution, and reef microplastics.