PI: Philip Thompson, Assoc. Director of UH Sea Level center, UH Mānoa
Co-Is: Nemanja Komar , Scientific Programmer, UH Sea Level center, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2019
Climate prediction / testing
PI: Eric DeCarlo, Professor of Oceanography, UH Mānoa
Graduate Scholar: Lucie Knor, Department of Oceanography, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2018
PI: Ryan Perroy, Assistant Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies (TCBES), UH Hilo
Graduate Scholar: Kimo Melcher, Tropical Conservation Biology & Environmental Science, UH Hilo
Co-I: Rebecca Ostertag, Professor of Biology (TCBES), UH Hilo
Funded: FY2018
PI: Dean Gesch, Research Scientist, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
Co-I: Jeff Danielson , Physical Geographer, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
Funded: FY2017
PI: Thomas Giambelluca, Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa
Graduate Scholar: Han Tseng, Department of Geography, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2017
PI: Rosie Alegado, Assistant Researcher, Oceanography/Sea Grant Program, UH Mānoa
Collaborators: Axel Timmermann, Professor of Oceanography, UH Mānoa/IPRC; Puakea Nogelmeier, Professor, Kawaihu‘elani Center for Hawaiian Language
Funded: FY2016
PI: Jeffrey Danielson , Physical Geographer, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)
Co-Is: Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy, Research Geographer, USGS Eastern Geographic Science Center; Cindy Thatcher, Research Biologist, Cooperative Data Acquisition, NGPO; Dean Gesch, Research Scientist, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center; Matthew Barbee, Biologist, UH Mānoa; Romina King, Asst. Professor of Geography, University of Guam; Maria Kottermair, GIS specialist, University of Guam
Funded: FY2016
PI: Charles Fletcher, Professor of Earth Sciences, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2016
PI: Christopher Lepczyk, Dept. Natural Resources & Environmental Mgmt, UH Mānoa
Co-PI: Kirsten Oleson, NREM, UH Mānoa
Co-Is: Steven Gray, NREM, UH Mānoa; Yin-Phan Tsang, NREM, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2015
PI: Laurie Raymundo, Professor of Marine Biology, University of Guam
Co-PI: Jeffrey Maynard, Marine Applied Research Center
Funded: FY2015