PI-CASC supports research that generates actionable climate science within several key focus areas defined by regional stakeholder needs.

People arranged in a circle with background of mountains of the Pali

Enhancing social-ecological resilience and ecosystem services through restoration of coastal agroforestry systems

PI: Leah Bremer, Assistant Specialist and Conservation Scientist, UH Mānoa
Co-PI: Gina McGuire, Department of Geography, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2020
View across a green hill with dark patches of burn scars and blue, tropical ocean in the background.

Perceptions of wildfire and wildfire management on Guam

PI: Christine Fejeran, Chief Forester, Guam Forestry Division
Co-PI: Farron Taijeron, Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Guam
Funded: FY2020
Firefighters tend a grassy fire break line in front of burning brush, with a blackened, smoky landscape behind

Future of fire in the Pacific Islands: Towards a national synthesis for wildland fire under a changing climate

PI: Christian Giardina, Research Ecologist, Inst. of Pacific Islands Forestry, US Forest Service
Co-PI: Alyssa Anderson, Fire Post-doctoral Fellow, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2020
Student examines plants along a greenery-bordered path

2020 SURF Projects

Three students completed projects in climate adaptation science for the 2020 SURF program, investigating salinity tolerance in coastal plants, fire-plant interactions, and new techniques to improve reforestation efforts.
Hilly barren landscape with low burnt browned grass

Biochar as a mitigation tool for soil rehabilitation in Guam’s badlands and savannah grasslands

PI: Mohammad Golabi, Professor of Soil Science, University of Guam
Co-PI: Patrick Keeler, Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Guam
Funded: FY2020
A small, brown bird sits on the branch of a tree

Development of an early warning system for climate-change related invasion by mosquitoes into Hakalau Forest NWR

PI: Patrick Hart, Professor of Biology, UH Hilo
Co-PI: Stephanie Mladinich, Tropical Conservation Biology & Environmental Science, UH Hilo
Funded: FY2020
Image looking up the trunk of a light-barked tree

Comparing arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity among different life stages of Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze in Guam’s Limestone Forests

PI: Alexander Kerr, Professor of Marine Biology, University of Guam
Co-PI: Charles "CJ" Paulino, Environmental Science, University of Guam
Funded: FY2020
A dry grassy landscape of gently rolling hillocks and occasional trees.

Optimizing techniques to restore forest to increase endangered species habitat and mitigate future drought

PI: Jonathan Price, Professor of Geography , UH Hilo
Co-PI: Amberly Pigao, Tropical Conservation Biology & Environmental Science, UH Hilo
Funded: FY2020
An inner slope of the cone shows grass and sparse trees

Understanding plants of the past to inform community reforestation efforts in the future

PI: Jonathan Price, Professor of Geography , UH Hilo
Co-PI: David Russell , Restoration & Outplanting Field Assistant, Nāpuʻu Natural Resources Management
Funded: FY2020
Underwater scene of colorful corals and fish

Sea-level rise impacts on coral reef and mangrove interactions and resulting coastal flooding hazards

PI: Curt Storlazzi, Research Geologist, USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Co-I: Karen Thorne, Research Ecologist, USGS Western Ecological Research Center
Funded: FY2020
A scrubby landscape in the foreground is backed by mist and a low, ground-hugging rainbow.

Identifying the risk of runoff and erosion in Hawaiʻi’s National Parks

PI: Lucas Fortini, Research Ecologist, USGS Pacific Islands Ecosystem Research Center
Co-PI: Victoria Keener, Research Fellow, PacRISA, East-West Center, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2018
Green bushes dot a brown, scrubby landscape looking toward distant coastal clouds.

Effectiveness of high-elevation habitat restoration for increasing resiliency of the palila honeycreeper

PI: Pat Hart, Professor of Biology, UH Hilo
Co-I: Kahua Julian, Department of Agriculture, UH Hilo & Technician, Mauna Kea Forest Restoration Project
Funded: FY2018
Close-up of many fresh green sprouts against dark soil

Impacts of climate changes on a native and an invasive Hawaiian plant using a newly developed Intelligent Plant growing System (IPS)

PI: Camilo Mora, Assoc. Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa
Co-PI: Devon DeBevoise, Department of Botany, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2018
A pile of mulch sits in a green field

Albizia as a solution for climate change mitigation and sustainable agriculture

PI: Rebecca Ostertag, Professor of Biology, UH Hilo
Co-PI: Joanna Norton, Tropical Conservation Biology & Environmental Science, UH Hilo
Collaborators: Bruce Mathews, Professor of Soil Science, UH Hilo; Flint Hughes, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, US Forest Service
Funded: FY2016