Funding information
The Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI-CASC) provides funding for research projects that inform high-priority natural or cultural resource management issues that benefit from climate adaptation science and traditional knowledge and respond to priority science topics identified by region.
The PI-CASC supports the work of eligible PI’s within the PI-CASC Consortium or from any regional CASC to help achieve our priority science for the region, from topics ranging from climate resilience of water, post-adaptation outcomes, species and cultural displacement implications, and actions around natural hazard risk minimization and recovery. Interested, eligible PIs (members of the Consortium, any of the 10 campuses of the University of Hawaiʻi System and the University of Guam, or USGS centers) should contact USGS PI-CASC Research Coordinator, Kaʻuaʻoa Fraiola (, for more information.
You can learn more about PI-CASC and explore previously funded projects on the PI-CASC website.