Research Study: Resilience Hubs and Greenway Development Criteria
The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center at the University of Hawai‘i seeks public input on integrating Community Resilience Hubs and Greenways.
Community Resilience Hubs are community-led, community-driven facilities that offer a range of resources and services, often in collaboration with essential community lifelines such as emergency facilities and shelters. These hubs play a vital role in fostering resilience within communities, both in everyday situations and during times of disaster. Access to these hubs, facilitated by transportation options such as Greenways, is essential for urban, rural, and marginalized communities. Greenways, defined as corridors of open space, serve as pathways connecting communities to a variety of natural, cultural, and practical resources, including Community Resilience Hubs or networks of these hubs.
If you would like to participate, please complete our questionnaire below, rating different criteria for developing them.