Heather Kerkering

Heather Kerkering

Assistant Regional Administrator
US Geological Survey
Email: hkerkering@usgs.gov

Heather Kerkering serves as the PI-CASC Acting Deputy Director and as the Science Coordinator. In these capacities, she oversees the federal PI-CASC project portfolio and facilitates strategic partnerships, the development and application of science based climate adaptation strategies, and the funding solicitation and award process. She represents USGS and PI-CASC on several regional, national, and international climate-focused initiatives and has traveled as part of the U.S. Department of Interior delegation.

Prior to joining USGS, she served as the founder of her own consulting company, Sea Connections Consulting, where, among other things, she provided project management services and advice on strategic planning for government and non-profit organizations. Prior to working as a consultant, Kerkering served as the Director of the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) at the UH Mānoa, overseeing operations of the largest region in the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System. She also helped launch the Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CenCOOS) at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, and served as the CeNCOOS Program Manager for several years. She co-edited the first book on Coastal Ocean Observing Systems and has participated in numerous regional, national, and international initiatives to improve the collection, coordination, and application of ocean and atmospheric information to environmental issues.