In this talk, Dr. Alison Ainsworth will discuss the implications for conservation of Hawaiian high-elevation ecosystems in the face of both climate change and invasive species.
In this talk, Dr. Aaron Shiels will present the results of a study on the impacts of hurricanes on invasive rodents in the Caribbean Islands, and he will discuss invasive rodent impacts and control methods in both the Caribbean and Pacific Islands.
Our March “Slice of PI-CASC” seminar will be presented by a team from the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS), led by Director Melissa Iwamoto, giving an overview of their Backyard Buoy program to empower Pacific coastal communities to conduct their own ocean observations.
In this talk, Dr. Richard MacKenzie will present his research on the vulnerability of Pacific Island nations to climate change and how appropriate adaptation actions can increase the resilience of mangroves and thus the resilience of Pacific Islanders.
Our February “Slice of PI-CASC” seminar will be presented by Dr. Rebecca Ostertag, who will share her group’s work with designing climate resilient ecosystems as part of their forest restoration efforts on Hawaiʻi Island and applications to similar locations across the Pacific.
Our January “Slice of PI-CASC” seminar–on the second Tuesday of the month–will be presented by Dr. Ryan Longman, who will share his work with many partners in creating the Hawaiʻi Climate Data Portal and its impressive capabilities, as well as future possibilities.
In this webinar, Dr. Jonathan Price from the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo will discuss how modeling vegetation communities in Hawaiʻi can be used to inform restoration, invasive species management, and climate change.
Our December “Slice of PI-CASC” seminar will be presented by Dr. Joseph Genz and his PI-CASC Graduate Scholars Shania Tamagyongfal and Jerolynn Myazoe, who will share their work on exploring traditional voyaging practices as methods for modern sustainable sea transport.
Pacific RISCC October Webinar – Seedlings: A Window into Climate Change Impacts on Plant Populations
In this webinar, Dr. Kasey Barton, from the University of Hawaiʻi School of Life Sciences, will discuss seedling drought and salinity tolerance across a diverse range of native and invasive Hawaiian plants and climate change implications.
Our November “Slice of PI-CASC” seminar will be presented by Dr. Rosie Alegado who will share her experience on the importance of approaching resilience through Indigenous values.