USGS PI-CASC project to develop advanced monitoring tools for unique Jellyfish Lake in Palau

August 18, 2024

A cluster of Golden jellyfish are seen in a lake.
Ongeim’l Tketau, Jellyfish Lake, in Palau can at times harbor ~5 million Golden jellyfish. Photo by Coral Reef Research Foundation.

A new U.S. Geological Survey research project through PI-CASC aims to assist monitoring efforts and develop forecasting tools for Ongeim’l Tketau, commonly known as Jellyfish Lake, in the Republic of Palau.

Ongeim’l Tketau is a landlocked marine lake with significant cultural and economic value for the state of Koror and the island nation. The lake is the only known home of the Golden jellyfish (Mastigias papua etpisoni) and can typically have as many as 5 million of this subspecies. Since 1999, the lake has been monitored monthly by the Coral Reef Research Foundation, providing long-term data that helps natural resource managers understand the dynamics of the lake and its golden jellyfish population.

The award, approximately $240,000, will support a three-prong approach in restoring monthly monitoring of the lake, devising a forecast tool for natural resource managers, and developing a strategy plan to combat invasive threats to the jellyfish. The project is led collaboratively by the University of Guam (UOG), the Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF), and the Koror State Government in Palau.

A woman, who is half-submerged in water, is holding a rope that extends downward into the water.
Gerda Ucharm, marine lakes research biologist, measures the temperature profile of Ongeim’l Tketau, Jellyfish Lake in order to monitor the average lake temperature over time. Photo by Ash Wiseo, used with permission.

“We recognize the important natural and cultural significance of Ongeim’l Tketau, and we hope to bolster the conservation and maintenance of these marine lakes through this project,” said Sharon Patris, research biologist at CRRF. “Creating tools and resources to monitor the overall health of the lake will be crucial in gauging its resilience against changing climate conditions, invasive species, and other threats.”

Monitoring strategies

The project will create a Conditions Assessment and Forecast tool that is intended to inform the Koror State managers of the physical status of the lake, with projections up to six months out, and offer recommended actions based on that status. These actions will be guided by CRRF’s scientific data collection and Koror State’s existing management policies — a co-production effort to develop a holistic forecasting tool. In the face of changing, uncertain patterns in weather and ocean conditions, the forecasting tool will help resource managers and tour operators navigate through scientific and climate data to make informed management and marketing decisions related to Jellyfish Lake.

The USGS PI-CASC award will also support the development and implementation of the Invasive Species Educational Outreach Strategy plan, which is intended to prevent the introduction and spread of non-native species in Ongeim’l Tketau. The project team will engage with local and public officials in raising awareness of invasive threats and providing training opportunities for regular lake surveying. Educational outreach to the local community will also be conducted.

“PI-CASC is excited to support Koror State and the Coral Reef Research Foundation in their efforts to effectively manage and protect such a unique resource and ecosystem. Climate change has varying effects across Pacific islands, and we hope this forecast tool can provide useful information to Koror State so they make the best possible decisions for Jellyfish Lake,” said Dr. Romina King, PI-CASC UOG lead.