Using a novel spatial prioritization technique to support climate-resilient conservation planning for rare species in Maui Nui
with Dr. Lucas Fortini, Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, USGS
and Dr. Scott Fretz, Division of Forestry & Wildlife, Hawaiʻi DLNR
May 3, 2022, 12:00-1:00 pm (Hawaiʻi time)
As the climate shifts over Hawaiʻi, resource managers are considering ways to identify climate resilient habitat to safeguard our unique and rare native species. Given the large number of species at risk, as well as the multiple threats and factors to be considered (e.g. accessibility, existing fencing, etc.), a structured way to identify priority areas for species conservation could help maximize the recovery of rare native species. In a collaboration among various state, federal, and private land managers and species experts, Drs. Fortini and Fretz co-developed a landscape optimization approach to help prioritize climate resilient conservation efforts. Come hear the pair describe the wider planning effort this analysis is informing, describe the approach, and the steps currently underway to help shape the long-term conservation efforts of nearly 300 native species across Maui Nui.
Join us for the next seminar of the “Slice of PI-CASC” seminar series hosted by the Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center! The series is designed for a wide audience to learn about climate adaptation research and science-to-management applications for Hawai’i, the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands, and beyond.