2020 Pacific Islands
Climate Adaptation Science Summit

November 17/18, 2020
Location: Virtual, Online via Zoom

PI-CASC logos

Goals of the Virtual Summit

 Highlight the resources and capabilities of PI-CASC and partner organizations for addressing climate adaptation science needs in Hawai‘i and the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI).

 Share recent and ongoing climate adaptation research and related resource management efforts in Hawai‘i and USAPI.

 Highlight and strengthen partnerships and collaborations and identify needs for actionable climate adaptation science in Hawai‘i and the USAPI.

Intended participants

This event is intended for: researchers, resource managers, officials, and stakeholders working on climate change impacts and adaptation for ecosystems and communities in Hawai‘i and the USAPI.

Objectives will include

 Meeting the players in the region to learn more about efforts in Hawai‘i and the Pacific focused on climate adaptation and research;

 Exploring researcher-manager-practitioner engagement toward actionable science;

 Identifying gaps and needs for science in support of climate change adaptation efforts.

Agenda Highlights

Day 1: November 17, 2020, 1:00 – 4:20 PM HST

Climate Commissioners’ Panel
With representatives planned from Hawai‘i and across the Pacific and moderated by University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Provost Michael Bruno

Science Partners’ Panel
With representatives planned from: PI-CASC, Pacific RISA, USDA Climate Hub, Water Resources Research Center, Hawai‘i Sea Grant, and the National Estuarine Research Reserve

Climate Adaptation Research and Management Lightning Talks (Part 1)
Topics will include: Changing plant communities, Changing landscapes: fire and drought, and Marine and freshwater ecosystems

Day 2: November 18, 2020, 1:00 – 4:15 PM HST

Overview of Day 1

Climate Adaptation Research and Management Lightning Talks (Part 2)
Topics will include: Changing landscapes: water resources, Sea-level rise and coastal resiliance, Biocultural resources, and Marine and freshwater ecosystems

Research- and Management-needs Breakout Sessions
Focus Areas for discussions will include:
Changing plant communities
Changing landscapes: fire and drought
Changing landscapes: water resources
Bio-cultural connections
Sea level rise and coastal resilience
Marine and freshwater ecosystems

Breakout Session Reports and Summit Synthesis

Full Agenda (pdf)

Summit Recordings

Conference Booklet