2020 Hawaiʻi Conservation Conference Pacific RISCC Virtual Forum
September 1, 2020 from 11-12 PM HST
11:00 – 11:05: Welcome
Chelsea Arnott, Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council
11:05 – 11:10: Opening Remarks
Suzanne Case, Department of Land and Natural Resources
11:10 – 11:25: Intersections and Synergies
Jeff Burgett, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service & Rob Toonen, Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology
11:25 – 11:35: Results of Invasive Species & Climate Change Manager Survey
Laura Brewington, East-West Center
11:35 – 11:45: Models for Building the RISCC
Heather Kerkering, Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center
11:45 – 12:00: Questions and Discussion
Webinar re-cap:
Pacific RISCC hosted a forum at the 2021 Hawaiʻi Conservation Conference, titled “Invasive Species and Climate Change: Building a New Community of Practice.” We were lucky to have our guest speakers Suzanne Case (Department of Land and Natural Resources) and Rob Toonen (Hawaiʻi Institute for Marine Biology) open with us on this critical topic. Our goal was to build upon our discussion with others in the conservation and stewardship community who may find their work intersects with the vision for this community of practice at the nexus of climate change and invasive species.
Results from webinar polling:
Question 1 – Do we need a climate + invasives network?
- YES (26 votes)
- NO (0)
Question 2 – What do you hope that the network could achieve?
- Better alignment of research with management goals (8 votes)
- Better sharing of data, resources, and tools in a centralized location (6)
- Improved networks/better communication between researchers, managers, and landowners (6)
- Guidance for new data and tools that are needed (4)
- Improved capacity to support highest priorities and needs (1)
Question 3 – What should our next steps be?
- Collect information and data resources into a centralized platform for access and communication (10 votes)
- Prioritize research gaps and set priority areas (8)
- Proceed in the context of other regional/local entities (PI-CASC, RISA, etc) (2)
- Influence legislative priorities using climate change information to improve restricted species lists (2)
- Better understand limitations of models for applications (1)