This is a picture of the ʻakohekohe, a native Hawaiian forest bird found on Maui. Picture credit is Robby Kohley

Pacific RISCC April Webinar – Whereto for manu? A new approach to conservation introduction site selection

In this talk, Erica Gallerani and Dr. Lucas Fortini will talk about a new approach for assessing the potential for relocating populations of ʻākohekohe (Palmeria dolei) to higher elevations on the island of Hawaiʻi from the island of Maui because of the harmful impacts of climate-driven disease spread.
Ocean water floods over a lawn and into a house along a low shoreline.

Slice of PI-CASC April 2024 Seminar

Our April "Slice of PI-CASC" seminar will be presented by Dr. Dean Gesch, USGS, providing a look at his efforts to build local technical capacity in the Republic of the Marshall Islands to conduct critical assessments of exposure to inundation and other coastal hazards.
This is a photograph of a high-elevation ecosystem in Hawaiʻi with cloud cover in the middle-ground.

Pacific RISCC March Webinar – High Elevation Hawaiian Plant Communities: Implications for Conservation Under Climate Change

In this talk, Dr. Alison Ainsworth will discuss the implications for conservation of Hawaiian high-elevation ecosystems in the face of both climate change and invasive species.
In this picture, Dr. Aaron Shiels stands in the ocean near the beach holding an orange bucket and wearing a bright yellow field jacket with buildings in the background.

Pacific RISCC February Webinar – Invasive Rodent Response on Islands to Increased Hurricane Frequency

In this talk, Dr. Aaron Shiels will present the results of a study on the impacts of hurricanes on invasive rodents in the Caribbean Islands, and he will discuss invasive rodent impacts and control methods in both the Caribbean and Pacific Islands.
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