PI-CASC’s and U.S. Geological Survey’s Education Hub is an online resource for students, teachers, and researchers to explore place-based learning materials, tools, and data on climate science and research.

The website is part of an ongoing project funded in fiscal 2020 to develop PI-CASC’s capacity to bolster place-based STEM curriculum by engaging with local communities and culminating in a climate research hub of resources for educators and students. The project was initiated by Dr. Sheree Watson and is currently managed by Emily Sesno and Cherryle Heu.

The resources provided in the website are intended to supplement existing curriculum and are formatted with interactive elements, allowing users to learn from the content at their pace. Available materials include lesson plans, storymaps, factsheets, and lists of programs and opportunities suited for teachers, students, and researchers.


To develop the Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center’s (PI-CASC) capacity to build educational resources to communicate science and climate research relevant to Hawaiʻi and the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI).



Emily Sesno

Maya-Lin Green