Recordings of 2023 Hawaiʻi Climate Adaptation Science Summit
As part of the collaborative Climate Week, the Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Climate Science Center (PI-CASC) hosted its 2023 Hawaiʻi Climate Adaptation Science Summit on January 10/11, 2023, for researchers, resource managers, officials, practitioners, and other science-users working on climate change impacts and adaptation for ecosystems and communities in Hawaiʻi and the USAPI. Partners for the summit included: the Hawaiʻi State Climate Commission, University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program, Pacific RISA, the East-West Center, USDA Forest Service, and the Better Tomorrow Speaker Series.
Please find conveniently divided videos recorded via the live zoom broadcast of the events for the two-day summit. A full program guide (pdf) is available at the PI-CASC Science Summit event page.
Day 1: Welcomes and Keynote
This video includes Day 1 introductory remarks by the PI-CASC federal and consortium directors, and the keynote presentation for the day’s theme of “Drought and Wildfire in Hawaiʻi” by Elizabeth Pickett, co-executive director of the Hawaiʻi Wildfire Management Organization (start: 16:07)
Day 1: Drought/Wildfire Research to Management Presentations
This video includes these research-to-managment presentations on the Day 1 theme of “Drought and Wildire in Hawaiʻi”:
- Data at your fingertips: The frontier of climate science in Hawai‘i, Dr. Ryan Longman (07:15)
- How the Pacific Fire Exchange supports current and future fire management needs in the Pacific, Dr. Clay Trauernicht (23:11)
- Considering the nexus of climate change, wildfire, and drought and the impacts on invasive species through the Pacific RISCC, Dr. Elliott Parsons (42:10)
- Informing contemporary wildfire science from historical Hawaiian language newspapers, Dr. Alyssa Anderson (54:59)
Day 1: Moderated Wildfire Managers Panel Discussion
This video includes a panel discussion on the Day 1 theme of “Drought and Wildfire in Hawaiʻi,” moderated by Dr. Clay Trauernicht. Panelist were: Dr. Elliott Parsons, Ryan Peralta, and Kapua Kawelo.
Day 1: Moderated Early Career Panel Discussion
This video includes a Day 1 panel discussion with early career researchers, moderated by Dr. Alyssa Anderson. Panelists were: Hiʻilei Casco, Samantha Alvarado, Puakea Moʻokini-Oliveira, and Kevin Faccenda.
Day 2: Welcomes and Keynote
This video includes Day 2 introductory remarks by the PI-CASC federal and consortium directors, and the keynote presentation for the day’s first theme of “Integrated Watershed Science (Pacific Islands-Alaska CASC Collaboration)” by Dr. Kawika Winter, manager at the Heʻeia National Estuarine Research Reserve (start time 05:35).
Day 2: PI-AK CASCs Collaboration Presentations
This video includes these PI-AK research-to-management presentations on the Day 2 theme of “Integrated Watershed Science”:
- Ridge-to-Reef and Icefield-to-Ocean: Collaborative research in extreme environments, Dr. Stephen Gray
- The influence of streamflow variability on land-to-ocean nutrient and organic matter export to southeast Alaska nearshore ecosystems? Dr. Jason Fellman (11:04)
- Shifts in carbon export from a Hawaiian watershed under a changing climate, Dr. Tracy Wiegner (21:58)
- Modeling future precipitation regimes to inform resource management: Learning from each other in Alaska and Hawai‘i, Dr. Rick Lader and Dr. Thomas Giambelluca (34:52)
Day 2: Watershed Management Panel Discussion
This video includes a panel discussion on the Day 2 theme of “Integrated Watershed Science,” moderated by Dr. Allison Bidlack. Panelist were: Dr. Stephen Gray, Dr. Kawika Winter, Ulalia Woodside Lee, and Dr. Jessica Garron.
Day 2: Sea-level Rise Adaptation Science/Tool Presentations
This video includes introductory remarks by the PI-CASC federal and consortium deputy directors on PI-CASC sea-level rise adaptation efforts, followed by research and science tools presentations on the Day 2 theme of “Sea-level Rise Adaptation Science”:
- Science to application: PacIOOS launches wave flooding tools for West Maui to support community preparedness and resilience, Tara Owens (10:12)
- Sea-level rise in a Hawaiian National Historical Park and American Sāmoa, Dr. Phil Thompson (25:04)
- Application of consistent projections of future coastal flooding due to climate change and sea-level rise to evaluate risk and guide prioritization for adaptation, Dr. Curt Storlazzi (39:44)
- Building policy around the modeled impacts of sea-level rise, Dr. Chip Fletcher (54:39
Day 2: SLR Managers and Decision-makers Panel Discussion
This video includes a panel discussion on the Day 2 theme of “Sea-level Rise Adaptation Science,” moderated by Dr. Brad Romine. Panelist were: Michael Cain, Matthew Gonser, Dr. Jared Underwood, and Malia Nobrega-Olivera.