PI-CASC supports research that generates actionable climate science within several key focus areas defined by regional stakeholder needs.

A small historical hut backed by palms sits on a rocky headland with waves in the foreground.

Visualizing sea-level rise at Pu‘uhonua O Hōnaunau National Historic Park

PI: Philip Thompson, Assoc. Director of UH Sea Level center, UH Mānoa
Co-Is: Nemanja Komar , Scientific Programmer, UH Sea Level center, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2019
A student, grinning at the camera, sits in a small boat beached on a sandbar while she takes water samples from a bag

Coral reef CO2 variations at the Coastal Ocean Hawai‘i Acidification Network (COHAMN): Impact of basin scale oceanographic forcing

PI: Eric DeCarlo, Professor of Oceanography, UH Mānoa
Graduate Scholar: Lucie Knor, Department of Oceanography, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2018
Student controls a drone that has lifted off from an orange landing spot in a scrubby landscape.

Developing geospatial models in Hawaiian watersheds to mitigate erosion and climate change

PI: Ryan Perroy, Assistant Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies (TCBES), UH Hilo
Graduate Scholar: Kimo Melcher, Tropical Conservation Biology & Environmental Science, UH Hilo
Co-I: Rebecca Ostertag, Professor of Biology (TCBES), UH Hilo
Funded: FY2018
Narrow strips and circles of land rise barely above sea level.

Characterizing inundation risk for Majuro Atoll

PI: Dean Gesch, Research Scientist, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
Co-I: Jeff Danielson , Physical Geographer, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
Funded: FY2017
Wind-swept waves tumble towards a rocky shoreline.

Near-term climate projections to inform adaptation in the Hawaiian Islands

PI: Thomas Giambelluca, Professor of Geography, UH Mānoa
Graduate Scholar: Han Tseng, Department of Geography, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2017
Student takes core of conifer

Kilo Lani: Reconstructing historical climate patterns in Hawai‘i using traditional knowledge and dendrology

PI: Rosie Alegado, Assistant Researcher, Oceanography/Sea Grant Program, UH Mānoa
Collaborators: Axel Timmermann, Professor of Oceanography, UH Mānoa/IPRC; Puakea Nogelmeier, Professor, Kawaihu‘elani Center for Hawaiian Language
Funded: FY2016
A satellite image of the rectangular ring of Majuro Atoll in the midst of a blue sea.

Collecting elevation data to understand climate change effects in the Marshall Islands

PI: Jeffrey Danielson , Physical Geographer, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)
Co-Is: Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy, Research Geographer, USGS Eastern Geographic Science Center; Cindy Thatcher, Research Biologist, Cooperative Data Acquisition, NGPO; Dean Gesch, Research Scientist, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center; Matthew Barbee, Biologist, UH Mānoa; Romina King, Asst. Professor of Geography, University of Guam; Maria Kottermair, GIS specialist, University of Guam
Funded: FY2016
Forecasting climate and land use/cover change impacts on freshwater ecosystem services in Maui

Forecasting climate and land use/cover change impacts on freshwater ecosystem services in Maui

PI: Christopher Lepczyk, Dept. Natural Resources & Environmental Mgmt, UH Mānoa
Co-PI: Kirsten Oleson, NREM, UH Mānoa
Co-Is: Steven Gray, NREM, UH Mānoa; Yin-Phan Tsang, NREM, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2015
An underwater view shows coral-covered rocks, some brown or purple-y, but many spots of branching, skeletal white coral.

Assessing the sustainability of culturally important marine sites in Guam and CNMI

PI: Laurie Raymundo, Professor of Marine Biology, University of Guam
Co-PI: Jeffrey Maynard, Marine Applied Research Center
Funded: FY2015
Scenic lush coastline

Projecting the frequency and impact of future coastal fooding and inundation events in the Pacific Islands

PI: Philip Thompson, Assoc. Director of UH Sea Level center, UH Mānoa
Co-Is: Matthew J. Widlansky, International Pacific Research Center, UH Mānoa; Janet M. Becker, Professor of Geology, UH Mānoa; Mark A. Merrifield, Professor of Oceanography, UH Mānoa; John J. Marra, Regional Climate Services Director, NOAA
Funded: FY2015
Waves splash against a railed cement wall that bears a "Caution: Sidewalk closed" sign.

Multi-year sea level predictions for the Pacific Ocean

PI: Axel Timmermann, International Pacific Research Center, UH Mānoa
Co-PI: Matthew Widlansky, International Pacific Research Center, UH Mānoa
Funded: FY2015
A rocky stream bed sits between overgrown banks with high green hills in the background

Modeling the response of Hawaiʻi streams to future rainfall conditions

PI: Maoya Bassiouni, Hydrologist, USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center
Funded: FY2014