PI-CASC strives to turn research results into usable products, providing resource managers the tools to address climate impacts.
HERA: Impact of Sea Level Rise and Storms on Coastal Flooding Hazards
The USGS HERA-Impact of Sea Level Rise and Storms on Coastal Flooding Hazards tool provides important scientific information for decisionmakers throughout the Pacific to plan for future coastal flooding events.
Pacific Islands Sea Level Rise Project Explorer
Sea-level rise impacts are prevalent throughout the Pacific, as is the research to adapt to those impacts. This new interactive tool compiles information about SLR projects in one place to help avoid duplication of efforts and encourage collaborations for future work.
Mangrove vulnerability to sea-level rise factsheet
Mangrove forests and the benefits they provide to Micronesian ecosystems and communities are threatened by accelerating sea-level rise and human activities. Read this factsheet to learn more.
Agroforestry in the Climate of the Marshall Islands
This agroforestry tool provides Marshallese agricultural producers with information and resources to help adapt growing practices to changing climate conditions.
Sea Level Forecasts
Short term sea level predictions are important to near-term planning for communities throughout the Pacific. This tool provides forecasts of monthly sea-level anomalies out to six months.
Coral resilience indicator summaries and resilience scores for CNMI
Reef resilience to environmental disturbances and changes vary considerably. These maps record reef resilience and vulnerability at sites across the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to aid local coastal management and preparation.