Project Support for Aquatic Habitat Conservation
December 16, 2024
Project Support for Aquatic Habitat Conservation
Pre-proposals due January 31, 2025
The Hawaiʻi Fish Habitat Partnership is seeking pre-proposals for aquatic habitat conservation projects in streams, estuaries, and nearshore marine habitats of the main Hawaiian Islands. Projects developed in coordination with the Hawaiʻi FHP may be eligible for funding through the National Fish Habitat Partnership and other federal assistance programs.
Projects submitted for NFHP funding will be reviewed for selection on a competitive basis by the Hawaiʻi FHP Steering Committee. The Hawaiʻi FHP administers financial assistance awards of up to $125,000 for fish passage improvements and aquatic habitat restoration. A minimum 1:1 non-federal match is required, with the exception of projects implemented through the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Department of Hawaiian Homelands. Projects scheduled for completion in 18-24 months are preferred. Successful applicants will have funds in place in the second quarter of 2026.
On-the-ground aquatic habitat conservation projects are given highest priority, especially “shovel-ready” projects that have completed environmental compliance requirements. If funding permits, secondary consideration may be given to support aquatic habitat conservation project planning and design, or applied research that will guide future Hawaiʻi FHP aquatic habitat conservation activities such as engineering and design for fish passage projects, regional aquatic habitat assessments, and aquatic invasive species control. Outcomes must address the priority objectives of the Hawaiʻi FHP Strategic Plan and the national conservation goals of NFHP. Projects located in priority watersheds and habitat types identified in the Hawaiʻi FHP Strategic Plan are preferred. Hawaiʻi FHP conservation goals are:
- Healthy Waters Mauka to Makai: Improve healthy stream flows and connectivity from mauka to makai through strategic nonstructural and structural barrier removal.
- Climate-Resilient Habitat Restoration: Restore stream, estuarine, wetland, and near coastal habitats and anchialine pools to increase ecological function and sustainable uses while recognizing and adapting to a changing climate and changing aquatic landscapes.
- Community Partnerships: Support communities that utilize resources for the subsistence of their livelihoods and traditional and customary practices in restoring and maintaining healthy inland waters and aquatic habitats across Hawaiʻi.
Pre-proposals are due January 31, 2025. Pre-proposal narrative project descriptions are limited to one (1) page with an optional second page for maps or other illustrations. The project narrative must contain a brief description of planned project activities, measurable outcomes, and recreationally and culturally important aquatic species expected to benefit from the project. A subset of pre-proposals will be selected for full proposal development in consultation with the Hawaiʻi FHP Steering Committee with a due date in early February. Please submit pre-proposals via email to:
Gordon Smith – Coordinator, Hawaiʻi FHP
300 Ala Moana Blvd. Rm 3-122, Honolulu ,HI 96850
Office: (808) 210-6261 Cell: (808) 260-6664