Learn how remote sensing and satellite image processing work!

An upcoming virtual workshop coordinated in part by the Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center will introduce participants to the applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems — scientific tools that are crucial in assessing Earth’s natural geographic rhythms.

Remote sensing is a method where data is obtained by reading energy reflected from the earth through sensors mounted on satellites or aircrafts. The technology is especially useful in piecing together information for research into natural systems, like ocean circulation, or changes in environment over time, such as the spread of erosion across grasslands.

The Multispectral Remote Sensing: Basic Image Processing and Analysis workshop will highlight core principles of how remote sensing systems work, how to interpret data from satellite imagery, and how these tools can be used to better inform scientists and natural resource managers in addressing local environmental issues.

The workshop is set for July 28 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. CHST through a Zoom video conference. Dr. Jose Edgardo Aban, University of Guam assistant professor of geography, will conduct the event.

All are welcome to register for free through EventBrite at uogrsworkshop.eventbrite.com. Students in STEM programs and professionals in fields related to natural resource management and hazards assessments will especially benefit from this workshop.

The event is a coordinated effort of PI-CASC, NASA Guam EPSCoR, and NASA Guam Space Grant at UOG . For more information, please contact communications coordinators John I. Borja at borjaj4619@triton.uog.edu or Keanno Fausto at faustok9679@triton.uog.edu.