Pacific RISCC July 2024 Webinar – Invasive Species Threaten the Success of Climate Change Adaptation Efforts
In this talk, Leigh Greenwood and Dr. Laura Brewington will discuss a new white paper for the U.S. federal government that offers a blueprint for transforming how invasive species are considered within U.S. climate change planning and processes.
Pacific RISCC June Webinar – When should we move species outside their range as islands change?
In this talk, Dr. Jeff Burgett will discuss a new decision support framework for conservation introductions, the process used to develop it, and how we can ensure decisions to move species are inclusive, transparent, and defensible.
Pacific RISCC May Webinar – What are the causes and consequences of past wildfires in Hawaiʻi?
In this talk, Dr. David Pompeani with UH Mānoa, NREM Department will share his recent research on a network of new sedimentary charcoal archives which records the last 2,000 years of fire history across the Hawaiian Islands.
Pacific RISCC April Webinar – Whereto for manu? A new approach to conservation introduction site selection
In this talk, Erica Gallerani and Dr. Lucas Fortini will talk about a new approach for assessing the potential for relocating populations of ʻākohekohe (Palmeria dolei) to higher elevations on the island of Hawaiʻi from the island of Maui because of the harmful impacts of climate-driven disease spread.