Apply for Native Youth Community Adaptation Leadership Congress

January 6, 2025

Youth are invited to apply for the Native Youth Community Adaptation Leadership Congress (Congress). This unique opportunity is open to federally recognized Native American and Indigenous youth groups interested in making environmental and social changes in their community.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other federal partners have joined together to provide this on-site experience at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV. Native youth groups are encouraged to apply for this opportunity as they will have a chance to meet youth groups from across the county, Native Americans that are enrolled in college, Native American community leaders and conservation professionals. Additionally, they will receive training​ to empower​ their home ​communities​ ​to​ ​implement​ ​or ​continue​ ​existing​ ​conservation programs.

The application process is competitive and is now open for native youth groups to apply. We kindly encourage you to pass this information along to school and community groups in your area. This year’s Congress will take place June 21 – June 26, 2025. High school students interested must fill out an online application, opening this winter, on our website and the application is due February 28, 2025. Students are encouraged to watch a video (https://goo.gl/HpNaTd) to get a better understanding of this unique opportunity. Participating students must be accompanied by one mentor per group. It is the mentor’s responsibility to chaperone a team composed of 3-5 students from your community. Each student must fill out an application individually. Groups accepted will receive travel, lodging, and food accommodations.

Please see Frequently Asked Questions at NYCALC.org for more information or contact via email nycalc@nmwildlife.org or phone (505) 299-5404.